
About Me

A little about me



I'm Megan. I'm a certified Level 2 Integrative Health Practitioner. I have a passion for helping individuals achieve their wellness goals. Whether that includes recovering from chronic illness, chronic fatigue, weight loss, auto-immune issues, or hormone imbalances. I can help you get to the root cause of whatever symptoms you are dealing with, and come up with a unique wellness plan tailored just for YOU.

Every person is different, and should have a treatment plan that meets their individual needs. With 1 on 1 coaching, at home lab testing, and personalized protocols, I can help you bring your body back to a state of balance.

Healing isn't always easy, but it is simple. Let me help you take the next step in your health journey!

To your health,

Megan Word, IHPL2

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Click to Email